Disadvantages of the Traditional Stock Management System

  • Evoucher
  • Tue 19 Sep 2023
cloud based
 stock management
 Inventory Management
 online management system


ny business no matter how big or small, has an inventory to look after which includes constant sales, purchases, management, and calculations for the effective management of the stock. But with the manual system, there is always a chance of error as humans are imperfect beings. There is always a chance of error or mistake that can mess up the entire profit/loss ratio. For instance;

- When a consumer orders an out-of-stock item, the manual system does not accurately show the inventory level. The consumer is dissatisfied and prefers to shop elsewhere.
- Accidental overstocking of a product results in resource and financial loss.
- When a product is lost or stolen, with a manual system, you are unable to update the inventory to reflect the change which can cause stock shortage.
- Manual inventory activities take up too much manpower and time for calculations, which distracts from other crucial work and planning.
- As it lacks access to real-time information on inventory levels, the company is unable to make timely decisions on ordering and restocking.
And so on...

Disadvantages of Manual Stock Management

The Manual System has various disadvantages

The disadvantages of manual stock management are as follows:

Human Error

Prone To Human Errors And Faults

Manual systems are more likely to contain errors due to human mistakes, such as miscounting inventory, entering incorrect data into spreadsheets, or losing paperwork. These errors can lead to stockouts, overstocking, and other problems.

Low Scalability

Difficult To Scale In The Long Run

Manual systems are difficult to scale as a business grows. As the number of products and suppliers increases, it becomes more difficult to track inventory accurately and efficiently.

Susceptibility to Theft and Loss

More Risk Of Loss

Manual systems are more susceptible to theft and loss, as it is easier to manipulate data, hide missing items, or even steal items from the stock after erasing it from the data.


More Time Consuming

Manual systems are often time-consuming and inefficient to maintain. Employees must manually count inventory, update records, and generate reports. This takes too much man power and takes away from other important tasks.

Lack of Real-Time Data

Unable To Make Informed Decisions

Manual systems do not provide real-time data on stock levels. This can make it difficult to make informed decisions about ordering and restocking further leading to stock shortage in times of need.

Online Cloud-based Stock Management System

Why You Should Use An Online Stock Management System

Evoucher's online cloud-based stock management system is a software application that helps businesses track and manage their inventory levels and accounts. It is hosted in the cloud, which means that it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

General Advantages

Cloud-based Stock Management Systems Offer A Number Of Advantages Over Traditional On-premise Systems;

  • Accessibility: Our cloud-based systems can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easy for businesses to manage their inventory remotely.
  • Scalability: Our system can be scaled to meet the needs of your business. As your business grows, we simply add more resources to the system.
  • Security: Cloud-based systems are hosted by secure data centers, and we offer a variety of security features to protect your data.
  • Automatic updates: Our system is automatically updated with the latest features and security patches, so you don't have to worry about keeping your software up-to-date.

Main Benefits

The Main Benefits Of Our Stock Management System Are As Follows;

  • Real-time inventory tracking: Our cloud-based system provides real-time data on inventory levels, so you can always see what they have in stock and where it is located. This helps to prevent stockouts and overstocking.
  • Product management: It can help manage your product categories, descriptions, pricing, and images.
  • Order management: The system can help you manage their orders, including vouchers, invoices, profit/loss comparisons, etc.
  • Reporting and analytics: Our system generates a variety of reports and analytics to help businesses make better decisions about inventory management, sales, and marketing.


Overall, cloud-based stock management systems are versatile and powerful tools that can be used by businesses of all sizes to improve their overall business operations and overcome all the issues caused by the manual system. Evoucher online cloud-based stock management system comes with all the benefits and features mentioned above to manage your business effectively and efficiently.

Register or start a 15 day trial to unlock all the benefits.